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A glimpse into our work

Special thanks to Mr Martin Hampton for compiling the list of contributions

Our Work and Events

The committee of the Friends of the National Archives do not only organise monthly meetings but other events throughout the year where members are invited to collaborate and voice their opinions. 


Annual events include the Annual General Meetings (normally held in the first half of the year) and the participation in the Malta Book Festival



Support in securing a photographic collection belonging to the late Emmanuel Busuttil


Lecture by Comm Prof George Cassar, Educational Officer and Editor of our journal about the Comitato Permanente Universitario


Funding the purchase of records created by the Comitato Permanente Universitario


Visit to the Gozo's National Archives Office 


Commencement of the prize "Volunteer of the Year" during the FNAM's Annual General Meeting


Meeting with the Malta Libraries and Information Association (MaLia)


Funding for the purchase of a new scanner for use in the National Audio Visual Institute (NAVI)



Facilitating a bursary for Ms Claire Bugeja, an intern with Hill Museum and Manuscript Library in creating metadata on the Consolato del Mare Collection


Facilitating a sponsorship of three years for the Malta Bus Archive



Sponsorship for purchase of a rich photographic collection belonging to late Emmanuele Sciortino.


Purchase of ephemera and documents related to genealogical research and historical photos


Acquisition of a vast photographic collection belonging to late sports photo-journalist Karmenu Fava (in photo)



Continued promotion of the National Archives mission through participation in a number of events: Medieval Mdina, Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna and Malta Book Festival.



Reissuing of Emmanuele Cilia songs (1930-1931) on both vinyl and CD versions


Joint stand with the National Archives in the Heritage and History Book Fair that was organised and hosted by “Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna” in Notre Dame Gate, Vittoriosa


Proposal to the Minister of Education for new metal shelves to accommodate the ever-growing collection at the Head Office


Sponsorship for participation of a conservator in a workshop held at the Vatican Library.


Sponsorship of the digitisation of the folk music collection acquired in 2012



Purchase of 24 photos of prominent personalities for the National Portrait Gallery


Invitation by VisMedNet to give a presentation on the sustainability of NGOs during a YYC (Yes You Can) International Meeting

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Donation of a number of large format acid free archival storage boxes.


Donation of antique ex-voto silver artefacts and early 20th century Monte di Pieta’ silver prices ordinances.


Donation of surplus funds originating from the 2013 International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), organised by the University of Malta.  


Donation of entire proceeds from talks held at Day Centres around Malta.


Sponsorship of full expenses for an overseas conservator course in UK.


Sponsorship covering the costs of holding an Archives Cafe’ for curators & conservators


Donation of specific tools including an antique press for the conservation department.


Donation of tape recorder & reels containing recorded meetings by the Federation of Malta Industries and the Chamber of Commerce in the 1960s.


Sponsorship of original 1960s architect plans, designs, drawings and related documents pertaining to the Television House building in Gwardamangia


The proceeds of the November Book Fair funded the digitisation project of maps and plans kept at the National Archives. 


Sponsorship for purchase of a unique collection of 200 reels containing Maltese folk music (għana).


Sponsorship for digitisation, scanning and restoration of a collection of nine volumes known as Cabrei previously kept at the ex-Public Works Department.

Sponsorship of specialised digitisation equipment for the in-house publishing department. 

Coordinate a second-hand book fair at the National Archives during the annual Archives Awareness Week.



Donation of an early 20th-century voice recording machine and gramophone.

Invitation by Clerk of the House to offer advice regarding the setting up of an exhibition commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Maltese Parliament.


Publication of the first issue of the annual journal Arkivju for the 10th Anniversary of the foundation.


Active participation in the 41st International Conference of the Round Table on Archives (CITRA) which was hosted by the National Archives of Malta



Donation of a set of foam book rests for the Reading Room

Additional funding of boards for the National Memory Project exhibition at the Banca Giuratale, Mdina

Digitisation of the colonial Blue Books dated between 1821 and 1938

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Setting up a first aid preservation unit in the Conservation Department

Conservation works on Royal Warrant seals and parchments

Sponsorship of an EU project application under the eContentplus programme with regards to APEnet (the Archives Portal Europe Network).



Purchase of showcases, counter and exhibition boards for the Banca Giuratale, Mdina

Private papers belonging to Anthony Valletta, who specialised in the study of butterflies and moths

Purchase of a planetary scanner for the National Archives

Donations sponsoring the new uniforms of the archives staff



A New Archives Law finally passed through Parliament after pressure by the Friends of the National Archives

Setting up a Diploma Course in Archives and Records Management and a Degree Course in Library, Archives and Information Studies

Substantial three-year sponsorship from Vodafone Foundation to catalogue microfilm and digitise hundreds of fragile documents

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Sponsorship of exhibition boards for the launch of the National Memory Project

Microfilming/digitisation of Departmental Registers (CSG 81) between 1851-1948

Digitisation of original documentation covering the period 1800-1825

A set of eight postcards entitled “Political Landmarks” was published depicting the salient political events that took place in Malta between 1919 and 2004

Donation of custom-made archival acid-free polypropylene covers for photographs

Donation of several Melitensia publications for use by researchers in the Reference Library of the Head Office



Sponsorship campaign for the microfilming project of historical 19th Century documents

Thanks to Friends of the National Archives' insistence, the new Archives Bill was presented to Parliament



Launch of second CD covering government dispatches between 1800-1860

Organisation of an international conference “Converging Frontiers: Regional Co-operation in the Archives Sector”.  President of the FNAM Hella Jean Bartolo also facilitated an agreement with the Genealogical Society of Utah to carry out a digitisation project for Maltese passport applications between 1880 and 1940.

Bequest of private documents belonging to Dr Henry Hirst, former Director of Agriculture in Malta during the Second World War.

Donation of several books from the personal collection belonging to Ms. Ann Williams, past lecturer in the Department of History at the University of Malta.

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Publication of guidebook “Preserving Archival Records”

Launch of the first CD covering passport applications starting from 1880

Sponsorship of participation with an information stand at the Malta Day in London

Series of meetings with interested parties regarding the draft of a new Archives Bill which was presented to the Minister of Education

Official letter to the Prime Minister expressing concern about the future of the state documents created before the privatisation process of state entities.

Coordination with the National Archives to organise a National Exhibition with the theme “Old Roots – New Horizons: the History of Maltese Migration.”

Meetings with Past Presidents of the Republic

Snippets from past stands at  the MBF

The Malta Book Festival, organised by the National Book Council, is an annual appointment for FNAM to advocate our mission, renew and encourage new memberships.

© Friends of the National Archives of Malta (FNAM) VO/0436 all rights reserved.

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Opening Hours

Address (Central Archive)

c/o The National Archives, 

Hospital Street, Rabat, 




Tel: +356 26023800

Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri: 8am - 2pm
​​Thursday: 10am - 2pm & 3pm - 7:30pm
​Saturday: 8:15am - 12:45pm

Sunday: Closed

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